onsdag 26 februari 2014


Goal part one
Manni comes to London. He is there on trial with London Rangers, a football club. At the AirPort, he meets Emma, WHO works at the Millhouse hotel. She takes care of the new plagers. They go to the hotel. Emma unpacks Manni's bags. Manni's ses London Ranger play agains Glasgow on TV. They go to the stadium where Emma shows him around. London Rangers won the match by 3-0. tanks to Paul Carter, the star in the team. Manni's spillde juice on his shirt. He gods to the changing-rooms. The security-gulares throw him out from the pitch. Manni's is now lots in London.

Goal part two
Manni was lost in London. He was walked around in the city in the night. Then, when he fall down and he took a bag in the fall from a lady, he been arrested. But Manni's two friends finded him, they took him to the hotel and ge come to Emma again. 
  Next morning, he was awake early. He went to the football training. Emma was find his passport and she saw it was his birthday. She was making a thing with a fotball on it, I don't know what it was. 
  Emma did a party to him. But Paul was moved the party to Manni's apartment. Paul is the trainers son. But Manni had a training next day, and the party went till the night. When the trainer come home to Manni and Said that he could to give up fotball in his team.

Goal part three
Manni and Peter have to training harder, because they want to come up to the first team. Lucia come to London. She want to visit Manni. But Emma don't like her, because she just think on her self. Manni can go up to the first team, but Peter can't do that, he don't training so much like he must. 

Goal part four
Manni is sitting  outsider of a room when Mr. carter talk in a telephone.
Mr. Carter is Angry on Manni, because when he have the chance to do a goal, he pass Peter the ball so he did the Goal. Bud he give Manni one more chance. He play a game at the afternoon, and if it go well for him, he can go up to the first team. But Lucia want to spell very much time with Manni, but he must play fotball and go to sleep, so he haven't time to meet Lucia. But he Puch another player and the referee sent him of the pitch.
Alex Said to Manni: " fotball is all about winning "
I think it is like that, but just when you has coming up to the big games, but when you are a child, you can play just for fun.

Goal part five
 Manni is packing because he would get a airplane to going home. Mr, Carter don't want to lose Manni, He want that Manni will still play fotball. Mr. Carter going to Manni's hotel and trying to persuade Manni to stay. But Lucia want him to come home with her. Manni stay in London, and Lucia is going home to her country. On the training, Paul injured. Manni take his place on the pitch. Paul is twisted his ankle. Mr. Carter invited all the plagers to a party that night. The party was created because that is new year. Manni goes to the party and meets Paul's mother. But they just talk to each other.
The next day, London Rangers play a match. But Paul is to injured so Manni tales his place. It went very well for Manni, he scored two goals. Now Manni is on the team!

Goal part six
Manni is a famous star now, and there is much peoples in his hotel, because they want to meet him. Manni don't like it. Just a second after he has leasing the hotel, the paparazzis fjollor him. Emma takes him to a place there she always go to relax. It is by the river Tehmsen there Tower bridge go over. Manni going to move the next day. And the next evening, Emma, Paul and Manni ho to a party. Emma asked Paul if he wanted to dance, but he said that he don't want to twist his ankle. But then Manni was danced with Emma, and Paul don't like that. It was a part there you see Paul was holding a ring! I think he Wants to get engaged with Emma. Paul asked Emma if she wanted to go out with him that night. She Said yes. When they go to the resturant, Paul took the ring and showen it for Emma, and asked her if she want to marrie with him. Emma Said NO!
And the same night Lucia come back to Manni, and then Emma know it, she be sad and began to cry.

Goal part seven
Paul is looking for Emma. He want to talk with her after that night. Emma talked to Manni and aked him what he think. Emma tell Manni that she has a friend, her friend has a boyfriend. The boyfriend want to marry her, but she don't love him. She was in love with a other man. Emma talked about herself, of course. The next day Manni has a fotball match. Manni could did a Goal, but he missed it. At the same time a man destroyed Manni's house. At the second half of the match Manni scored two goals. London Rangers won the match with 2-1. After the match Paul tell Lucia that he kissed Emma. Lucia was Angry and then it was over between Lucia and Manni. When Manni come home to his house, it was destroyed. Manni think it was Lucia.

Goal part eight
Manni and his friend is in the house there the man distroyed. They find Emma's shirsts she has maked. They was destroyed too. They go to Kenny and hope she can fix them. She said that would take a few days.
Manni doing an interview with BBC because he is a famous football player now. One of the many questions Manni got was "lots of people think you has take Paul Carter's place in the team, what do you think about that?". Manni's answer was "I don't think so, he is still a part of the team. He can be a better player than me, but we'll see".
When Manni come home to the hotel, Emma said that she will go to a fashion show at the Millhouse next day and show her shirts, that shirts was painted and scribbled. But Emma didn't know that.

Goal part nine
Emma is preparing for the fachion show. Manni haven't tell Emma about the shirts yet. But it was just Emma's best designs that was painted.
Manni go to Kenny to see if he can fix it. Kenny fixed them. Manni runt to the elevator, but when he is in it, the lift stopped. He is stuck in the elevator together with his coach, while Emma has started the fachion show.
The elevator started again. Manni come to the fachion show. Manni is the fachion star. It was a man on the fachion show, named Xaiver. Xaiver can help Emma to sell her shirts. But because he goes from the show very early, Rmma think he hated them.
When Manni is on the training the next day, it was a man there who would watch Manni and see if he was good to play fotball. Paul's friend Jim, hit him when they nodded the ball. but it was not meant. Manni must go to the hospital.

Goal part ten
Emma goes to the hospital. The doctor does don't know how bad it is.
Jim feels bad for that he did with Manni, but Paul just say " that was an accident ". Paul is happy because Manni is at the hospital. Manni can't play the match at sunday. The doctor think it is a hamstring, but he is not sure. They has did un x-ray, but it is still unclear how bad it is.
But the next day, Manni want to train. He say that he is feeling better. It no longer looks like he is in pain. But he has lost his nerve. He losted it because he is scared to be tackled again. But a player in the team talk to him and persuaded him to give it a second chance.

Goal part eleven
Paul is playing in the reserve team. Paul want to come up to the first team. He ask his dad, Mr. Carter. Mr. Carter be angry, because he don't want to think about that at there. Paul be angry at his dad, and they began to shouting at each other. When Paul go away, Mr. Carter and Mrs. Carter began to shouting at each other.
  Paul talk to a man. He asked if he have the keys to all the rooms at the stadium. Paul want him too do something, because he payed him very much money. The man's name was Doug. He give Paul something that he poured in Manni's urine sample. They took the urine sample too see that they don't have any poison or something like that. Sophie saw that, and they think Manni is guilty. Doug was the same man that destroyed Emma's shirts.

Goal part twelve
Mr. Carter is angry to Manni. Mr. Carter say to Sothie that she must do a second test. Manni is very nervous. The test was positive. Mr. Carter is very, very angry at Manni right now. He brings Manni to his office. Mr. Carter shouting at Manni. Joe don't think Manni took drugs. Mr. Carter said to Manni that he must leave the club. Manni goes out to the pitch, he looks sad. Manni is looking for Emma. He find her at the hotel there she working. Nor yet Emma trust Manni now. But she don't think she did it intentionally. She think they gave Manni som drugs at the hospital, but Manni don't think so. Now, when Manni is kicked of the team, Mr. Carter trust Paul. Joe and Jim is believin in Manni. Paul and Manni fight in front of the press. Paul call Doug again and said to hum that he would put drugs in Manni's house. Emma come to Manni and now she trust him, but at the next second the police rummaging throught Manni's house. They fins the drugs that Doug put into Manni's bag. He been arrested. At the same time Mr. Carter appoints Paul to the captain of the team.

I don't like Paul. He is trying to take Emma from Manni, and he is trying to put Manni out of the team. But I like Joe and Jim, because they trust Manni into the end.

Goal part thirteen - the last part!
Paul is the star in the team bow. He is writing autographs. Manni is at the police station. But they give him permission to go home. The London Rangers is playing a match that day. Paul is the captain. The coach think Sophie didn't do her job with Manni, because she didn't see he had taked drugs. He want her to leave the club. Manni goes to Emma, but she is very angry at him, because she think he taked drugs. After that, Manni goes to the match, but they don't want Manni to enter. Manni met Sophie. She help Manni to come in too see the match. Manni is nervous for Jim. It is the forst match, without Manni. Paul scored a goal. Sophie looked at the video cameras. She see Pul put the drugs in Mannis urine sample. She see Doug at the film too. Sophie show the film for the coach and the other players. They is very angry, and the coach is the angriest of them all. Paul run away, and the guards trying to catch him. They didn't catch Paul. Manni gets to play. Paul goes to Emma. Paul want that him and Emma should go away at a holiday. At the same time Manni scored a goal! The London Rangers won the match! After the match a man come to Manni and say that he want him to play at his world cup!
Manni go to Emma. Paul is at there. The police got there.
Manni must going back tonhis homeland. He want Emma to follow him, but she said that she must stay in England.
At the airplane, Emma come with Manni! Emma is going to come with Manni! Manki is going to play in the world cup. But he is going to play with London Ranger at the next season. Paul was arrested.

torsdag 13 februari 2014

Slöjden ~ resultat

Jag blev inte klar med mitt förkläde förra terminen, så jag gjorde klart den idag.

onsdag 12 februari 2014

Nationella prov ~ pesten

På 1600-talet har ni pesten. Det är en allvarlig dödlig sjukdom. Men om jag har rätt, så har ni gjort ett fel. Ni tror ju att pesten är luftburen. Ni klarar inte av pesten eftersom att pesten inte är luftburen. Det är loppor. De biter människor, och när de biter en människa skickar den in  bakterier och det är bakterierna som bildar pesten. De långa kapporna som ni bär sprider bara vidare pesten.

Min idé är att ni ibte ska bära på så stora och långa kappor, och istället ha på er kläder som sitter tajtare, då tror jag att lopporna har svårare att kunna sätta sig på människorna.

Nationella prov ~ pesten

På 1600-talet har ni pesten. Det är en allvarlig dödlig sjukdom. Men om jag har rätt, så har ni gjort ett fel. Ni tror ju att pesten är luftburen. Ni klarar inte av pesten eftersom att pesten inte är luftburen. Det är loppor. De biter människor, och när de biter en människa skickar den in  bakterier och det är bakterierna som bildar pesten. De långa kapporna som ni bär sprider bara vidare pesten.

Min idé är att ni ibte ska bära på så stora och långa kappor, och istället ha på er kläder som sitter tajtare, då tror jag att lopporna har svårare att kunna sätta sig på människorna.

torsdag 6 februari 2014

NO~arbeta med vågen

Jag har jobbat med Emelie Paulson. Vi skulle väga 5-10 saker som ska väga mellan 1-200 g. Vi valde att väga 5 saker. 
Vi använde allt detta:
1 pennvässare
2 olika nycklar
1 plastkopp
1 bägare
1 våg.
Vi vägde en pennvässare. Den vägde 7,23 g.
Emelies nycklar vägde 33,81 g.

Mina nycklar vägde 32,62 g. Mina nycklar ör större än Emelies, men hennes nycklar väger mest för att det är gjort av metall.

En plastkopp vägde 29,40 g.

Och till sist så vägde vi en stor bägare. Den vägde 183,10 g.

Sedan skulle vi fylla två bägare med vatten, en med 2,5 dl vatten och en med 1,5 dl vatten.

Detta skulle vi omvandla till cl och ml.
Då börjar vi att räkna ut hur mycket cl det går på en dl. 10 dl = 1 liter. 100 cl = 1 liter. Det betyder att det går 10 cl på en dl. Det innebär att det går 15 cl på 1,5 dl. Sedan adderar man 15 med tio för att räkna ut hur mycket det går på 2,5 dl. Det betyder att det går 25 cl på 2,5 dl.

Och så för att ta reda på hur mycket ml det är så tar man bort kommatecknet pch sätter dit en nolla på slutet. 1,5 dl = 150 ml. 2,5 dl = 250 ml.